Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Fallen Angel

My Fallen Angel
She was my Angel true and strong,
Why didn't she say anything, let me know something was wrong.
Were did she go, not a trace,
I miss her laughter, her smiling face.
I worry she will never come back,
I worry she has turned from white to black.
I wonder if it was my fault for her unknown pain,
She never showed it, she never had a complain.
She is some were out there lost and cold,
I want to save her, before this miserable story starts to unfold.
She has broken her wings, hurt and confused,
She screams from pain, she was misused.
She is on the verge of death I know,
Her beautiful face no longer aglow.
I never wanted this to happen my heart is pleading,
My beautiful angel is alone and bleeding.
Dallen Palmar